New York City Amateur Radio Emergency
Communications Service
and By-Laws
March 27, 2004
of the New York City Amateur Radio Emergency
Communications Service
the undersigned, in order to provide a means of
training individuals in the art and science of radio
electronics and communications, promoting emergency
preparedness, and serving the citizens of the City
of New York as a dedicated team of Amateur Radio
operators and communications experts, hereby
constitute ourselves as:
New York City Amateur Radio Emergency Communications
Service hereinafter referred to as ARECS.
corporation and its members shall be governed by
this Constitution, these By-laws, and its
Certificate of Incorporation.
territory in which ARECS's activities are
principally to be conducted is the geographical area
generally designated as the New York Metropolitan
Area, including its immediate surrounding environs,
located in the State of New York and Counties of New
York, Kings, Queens, Bronx, and Richmond, except
that ARECS will extend its operations from the New
York Metropolitan Area and its immediate surrounding
environs as it may be requested or directed by the
American Red Cross, New York City Office of
Emergency Management, the New York City Police
Department, the New York City Fire Department, the
New York State Division of Homeland Security &
Emergency Services, and/or the Federal Emergency
Management Agency or as may be required to respond
in time of emergency or disaster.
I: Membership
person interested in radio communication for public
service and personal aims, without pecuniary
interest, is invited to apply to the Secretary of
ARECS. Membership and election shall be upon
such terms as ARECS provides by its
By-Laws. There shall be no dues or fees charged
for membership.
services rendered by this organization shall be
rendered or performed on a volunteer basis; all
members of ARECS shall act as volunteers in the
rendering or performance of such services and no
charge, fee, or expense shall be made or levied
against the person or persons aided either by the
organization or any other person or entity on behalf
of the organization or for its benefit.
II: Officers
officers of ARECS shall be President, Vice President
for Manhattan, Vice President for Brooklyn, Vice
President for Queens, Vice President for Bronx, Vice
President for Staten Island, and Secretary. The
President may also hold the office of Vice President
for his or her own borough, if elected to both
offices. Aside from this exception, no person
may hold more than one office at any given time.
officers shall be elected for a term of two (2)
years by ballot by the General Membership eligible
to vote for each office as provided for in the
By-Laws. Vacancies that occur during a term of
office shall be filled by a special vote of the
General Membership eligible to vote for that office.
III: Duties of the Officers
President shall preside at all meetings of the
General Membership and conduct the same according to
the rules adopted; shall enforce due observance
of this Constitution and By-Laws, decide all
questions of order, sign all official documents that
are adopted by the club, and perform all other
customary duties pertaining to the office of
President shall serve as the single point of contact
for all organizations wishing to contact
ARECS. Any organization that contacts any other
officer or member shall be immediately referred to
the President. The President may delegate this
duty by designating any other officer to serve as a
point of contact for an organization at any time.
Vice-Presidents shall assist the President, and
serve as the leaders of ARECS in their individual
boroughs, in cooperation with the President.
Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of
all meetings, carry on all correspondence, read
communications at each meeting, and submit a
schedule to the Editor of ARECS Publications of all
ARECS meetings. The Secretary may appoint a
number of Assistant Secretaries as shall be
necessary to perform all of the tasks of the
office. The Secretary shall be the keeper of
all important correspondence and records, only
allowing copies of them to be distributed to other
members when authorized by the President. The
Secretary shall, at the expiration of the term, turn
over all items and records belonging to ARECS to his
or her successor.
IV: Succession
following line of succession is defined herein
solely for use in an extraordinary emergency, and in
no way represents a ranking of officers for any
other purpose whatsoever.
the absence of the President, the Vice-President for
Manhattan shall assume the duties of the
President. In the absence of the President, and
the Vice-President for Manhattan, the Vice-President
for Brooklyn shall assume the duties of the
President. In the absence of the President, and
the Vice-Presidents for Manhattan and Brooklyn, the
Vice-President for Queens shall assume the duties of
the President. In the absence of the President,
and the Vice-Presidents for Manhattan, Brooklyn, and
Queens, the Vice-President for Bronx shall assume
the duties of the President. In the absence of
the President, and the Vice-Presidents for
Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and Bronx, the
Vice-President for Staten Island shall assume the
duties of the President. In the absence of the
President and all of the Vice-Presidents, the
Secretary shall assume the duties of President.
V: Meetings
By-Laws provide for regular and special
meetings. At scheduled meetings of the
Membership, the Membership present shall constitute
a quorum for the transaction of business. At
scheduled meetings of ARECS officers or special
committees, a majority of ARECS officers or
committee members, respectively, shall constitute a
VI: Membership Assistance and Training
shall establish By-Laws to provide for the training
of its members in communications technology and
technique, emergency response, and preparedness, and
it shall formulate and continuously improve plans
for providing effective communication during public
events and in emergencies in the City of New
York. ARECS, through its designated committees
and publications, will provide technical advice to
members concerning communications equipment design,
configuration, and operation. ARECS shall also
foster and guide public relations for the general
promotion of Amateur Radio, public service, and
emergency communication.
VII: Not-for-Profit Status
is not organized for pecuniary profit or financial
gain, and no part of its assets, income or profit
shall inure to the benefit of any member, director,
officer or any private individual (except that
reasonable compensation may be paid for services
rendered to or for the organization in furtherance
of its purposes) and no member, director, officer or
private individual shall be entitled to share in any
of the organization's assets on dissolution of the
organization; no salaries or compensation for
services rendered as members of ARECS will be given
or paid to any member or members. In the event
of dissolution, all of the remaining assets and
property of ARECS shall, after payment of the
necessary expenses of dissolution, be distributed to
such organization(s) as shall qualify under Section
501 (c.) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954,
as amended. No part of the activities of ARECS
shall be the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise
attempting to influence legislation, and ARECS shall
not participate in, or intervene in (including the
publishing or distribution of statements) any
political campaign on behalf of any candidate for
public office. Notwithstanding any other
provision of this Constitution or By-Laws, ARECS
shall not carry on any activities not permitted to
be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from
Federal income tax under Section 501 (c.) (3) of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended or as may
be amended or superseded, or (b) by a corporation
contributions to which are deductible under Section
170 (c.) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954,
as amended or as may be amended or superseded.
VIII: Amendments
for amendments to the Constitution or By-Laws must
be submitted to the officers in writing. The
officers will discuss proposed amendments at their
next meeting, and present them at the following
Membership meeting along with their
recommendations. Notice of a vote for amendment
to the Constitution or By-Laws must appear in ARECS
publications prior to an attempt to
amend. Amendments shall be ratified by a
two-thirds majority of the Active Members present at
the meeting where they are presented.
IX: Removal/Recall
elections, officers can be removed from office only
after at least one-third of the General Membership
eligible to vote for that office signs a petition
calling for a recall election. No petition for
a recall election shall be circulated prior to
ninety (90) days after a General Election. No
more than thirty (30) days may elapse between the
first presentation of a recall petition to members
and its approval and signature by at least one-third
of the members eligible to vote for the office being
recalled. When a recall petition containing the
necessary signatures is presented to any Officer,
the text of the petition must be published
immediately through the ARECS Web site or
newsletter. No more than sixty (60) days may
elapse between the presentation of a recall petition
containing the required signatures and a Special
Meeting at which the recall election takes
place. At the Special Meeting, at least
two-thirds of the members eligible to vote for the
recalled office must vote in favor of the recall in
order for the officer to be removed. A new
officer will then be elected to that office by a
majority vote of the Membership eligible to vote for
that office. Procedures for the recall election
will otherwise be as outlined in the By-Laws for a
General Election. A person removed from office
by a recall election shall not be eligible to run
for or hold any office for a period of three (3)
succeeding terms.
X: Rules
the conduct of all meetings at which ARECS business
is decided, Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the
proceedings. An agenda of items to be discussed
shall be prepared prior to the meetings and followed
as closely as possible, where time allows. In
all cases of dispute, the interpretation of the
rules and the final decision shall be rendered by
the President.
to Article I of the Constitution, the following
membership requirements are established:
person interested in radio communication for public
service and personal aims, without pecuniary
interest, is invited to apply to the Secretary of
ARECS. There shall be no dues or fees charged
for membership.
person who maintains a primary residence within the
City of New York, and who is not otherwise
disqualified from membership in ARECS, shall be
accepted for membership upon application to the
Membership Categories
Secretary shall maintain complete lists of
auxiliary, new, active, and inactive ARECS
members. Auxiliary members are those members
who do not hold amateur radio licenses issued by the
Federal Communications Commission or do not reside
within the five Boros of New York City. New
members are those who hold amateur radio licenses,
but have been members of ARECS for less than twelve
(12) consecutive months. Inactive members are
those who hold amateur radio licenses and have been
members of ARECS for more than twelve (12)
consecutive months, but who have not met the
requirements for active membership. Active
members are those who hold amateur radio licenses,
have been members of ARECS for at least twelve (12)
consecutive months, and have met the requirements
for active membership, as defined in these By-Laws,
during the preceding twelve (12) months.
Requirements for Active Membership
membership shall require checking into at least
fifty (50) percent of the weekly ARECS radio nets
during the year, and providing amateur radio
communications support for at least four (4)
public-service events during the year. The list
of public-service events that count towards active
ARECS membership shall be determined by the
President, and maintained by the
Secretary. Members must also complete EmComm
levels 1, 2 & 3 courses plus FEMA 100, 200, 700
& 800 in their first year (or by the end of 2016
for current members) to maintain active membership
ARECS member may be disqualified from membership
only for one of the following reasons:
member who stops maintaining a primary residence
within the City of New York shall be immediately
changed to auxiliary membership. An auxiliary member
who resides outside of the five Boros shall
immediately be eligible to rejoin ARECS regular
membership upon establishing a primary residence
within the City of New York.
member whose amateur radio operating privileges are
suspended or revoked by the Federal Communications
Commission shall be immediately disqualified from
ARECS membership. Any member disqualified
solely for this reason shall be eligible to rejoin
ARECS only after his or her amateur radio privileges
are fully restored, and then only if approved by a
vote of the active ARECS members at the next General
Election meeting.
member expelled from ARECS by the procedure outlined
elsewhere in these By-Laws shall be permanently
disqualified from ARECS membership.
Eligibility to Vote
December of each even numbered year, immediately
before the ARECS General Election, the Secretary
shall determine which members have met the standards
for active membership during the preceding twelve
months. The Secretary will list all members as
new, inactive, or active according to the standards
defined in the "Membership requirements" section of
these By-Laws. In all ARECS elections and
meetings, only active members may vote. Only
active members who are residents of Bronx County may
vote for Vice-President of Bronx. Only active
members who are residents of Kings County may vote
for Vice-President of Brooklyn. Only active
members who are residents of New York County may
vote for Vice-President of Manhattan. Only
active members who are residents of Queens County
may vote for Vice-President for Queens. Only
active members who are residents of Richmond County
may vote for Vice-President of Staten Island.
"Grandfather" Clause
who were considered active members of the New York
City Amateur Radio Emergency Service as of the 1st
of December 2003, and who sign the original ARECS
Constitution before the first General Election,
shall be considered active ARECS members until the
1st of December 2004, at which time their active
ARECS membership status will be determined as
described elsewhere in these By-Laws.
Officer Requirements
person shall be eligible for election as an ARECS
officer who is not an active member of ARECS at the
time of his or her election. After the 1st of
December 2004, no person shall be eligible for
election as an ARECS officer unless he or she has
completed all of the training courses listed in
these By-Laws. No person shall be eligible for
election as an ARECS officer unless he or she has
reached the age of eighteen (18) years at the time
he or she is elected. The Vice-President for
Bronx must be a resident of Bronx County at the time
he or she is elected. The Vice-President for
Brooklyn must be a resident of Kings County at the
time he or she is elected. The Vice-President
for Manhattan must be a resident of New York County
at the time he or she is elected. The
Vice-President for Queens must be a resident of
Queens County at the time he or she is
elected. The Vice-President for Staten Island
must be a resident of Richmond County at the time he
or she is elected.
General Election Meeting
the exception of the first General Election, which
will be held upon ratification of the ARECS
Constitution, the ARECS General Election shall be
held each even numbered year at a meeting in
December. The Secretary shall schedule the
General Election meeting, making every effort to
schedule it at a time and place convenient to the
maximum number of members. The time and place
of the meeting shall be announced through the ARECS
Web site or newsletter and during weekly ARECS nets
at least one (1) month in advance.
Nominations and Election of Officers
Secretary shall solicit nominations for candidates
two (2) months in advance of the General Election
meeting. Candidates for the offices of
President, Vice-President for Bronx, Vice-President
for Brooklyn, Vice-President for Manhattan,
Vice-President for Queens, Vice-President for Staten
Island, and Secretary may be nominated by any active
member, including himself or herself. Any
nominated candidate may decline nomination. The
Secretary must receive all nominations at least one
(1) month prior to the scheduled General Election
meeting. The eligible candidates who have
accepted nominations, and the offices for which they
have been nominated, shall be announced through the
ARECS Web site or newsletter and during the regular
on-the-air nets. For each office, the candidate
receiving the largest number of eligible votes at
the General Election meeting shall be declared
elected. Any candidate running unopposed shall
be declared elected. Every officer shall serve
and continue in office until his or her successor
has been elected.
Vacant Offices
the event that an office becomes vacant, the
President may designate any other officer to fulfill
the duties of the vacant office, until such time as
it can be filled through an election.
Special Elections
the event that an office becomes vacant, a Special
Election shall be scheduled at the earliest possible
time to fill the office. Scheduling of the
meeting, the solicitation of nominations, and voting
shall otherwise be as described elsewhere in these
By-Laws for a General Election. If no qualified
candidate is nominated for the vacant office, the
President may designate any other officer to fulfill
the duties of the vacant office, until such time as
a qualified candidate can be nominated.
Vice-Presidents shall conduct regular monthly ARECS
meetings in their respective Boroughs from January
through November. These meetings shall be open
to the general public. Vice-Presidents from
different Boroughs may combine the monthly meetings
for their Boroughs by mutual agreement, scheduling
them at the same time and place. The President
or any Vice-President may also schedule special
meetings to discuss particular issues, and admission
to these special meetings may be restricted to ARECS
members only, or to officers only. A meeting
open only to ARECS members must be announced and
open to the entire membership. A meeting open
only to ARECS officers must be announced and open to
all officers. Notice of regular meetings will
be published on the ARECS Web site or newsletter and
be made on the air during weekly nets. Notices
of special meetings, which are to be held at such a
time where publication and net notification is not
feasible, will be mailed to all members requested to
appear at such meetings. Notice of special
meetings will include date, time, and the business
of the meeting. No proxies shall be allowed at
any ARECS meeting.
on-the-air ARECS net shall be held each week, at a
day and time and on a frequency designated by the
President. The President should make every
effort to choose a date, time, and frequency
convenient to the maximum number of members, and to
change the net schedule as seldom as
possible. The President shall establish a
schedule of Net Control Stations and prepare opening
and closing scripts for the weekly net. The Net
Control schedule and scripts shall be published on
the ARECS Web site or newsletter. If a
roll-call is used to call up the net, it shall
include all active and new ARECS members, but shall
not include inactive or auxiliary members. The
net script shall include an invitation for any
licensed amateur radio operator permitted to operate
on the designated frequency to join the
net. The net shall be conducted at all times in
accordance with Federal regulations and good
operating practices.
Courses and Training (changes voted on December 8,
ARECS members must complete the following courses in
their first year or by the end of 2016 for current
Introduction (Level 1)" or equivalent
"EmComm Basics (Level 2)" or equivalent
"EmComm Net Control (Level 3)" or equivalent
"IS-100, Introduction to the Incident Command
"IS-200, ICS for Single Resources and Initial
Action Incidents"
"IS-700, Introduction to the National Incident
Management System (NIMS)"
"IS-800, Introduction to the National Response
addition, the President may recommend additional
courses and training offered by specific served
agencies, but these recommendations will not
constitute requirements for active ARECS membership.
Officers shall appoint three members to serve on a
Publications Committee. The Publications
Committee will be charged with the maintenance of an
ARECS Web site and/or newsletter, and may be asked
by the Officers to prepare other publications, as
deemed appropriate. The Publications Committee
will select one of its members to serve as Editor,
who shall be given overall responsibility for the
content of ARECS publications. Any members,
including any officers, may serve on the
Publications Committee.
Grievance Committee
each General Election, the officers shall appoint
five members (one from each boro) to serve on a
Grievance Committee. Any active member may
serve on the Grievance Committee, but no officer may
serve on it except as a non-voting member, as
outlined elsewhere in these By-Laws. The
Grievance Committee shall be responsible for
resolving any complaints from members regarding
other members. The committee shall elect one of
its members as Ombudsman, and all members will be
advised to contact the Ombudsman with any complaints
of any nature regarding any other member. If
the Ombudsman is unable to resolve a complaint
informally to the complainant's satisfaction, he or
she will recommend that the complainant file a
written grievance.
Grievance Procedures
member(s) wishing to file a formal grievance must do
so in writing to the Grievance Committee. The
committee will then forward a copy of the complaint
to the person against whom the grievance has been
filed for his or her response. The response should
also be made in writing and received within 15 days
of notification. Upon receipt of an answer, the
Grievance Committee, consisting of the five
appointed members and the President (who shall
attend the meeting ex officio and shall not have a
vote) shall meet and arrive at a decision about the
filed Grievance, then make a report to the
membership as to their recommendation. If the
complaint is directed at the President, then the
next officer in the line of succession shall attend
the meeting of the Grievance Committee ex officio,
and the President shall not attend. The Grievance
Committee may recommend (1) that no action be taken
against the member, (2) that the member be asked to
make amends for the offense in a specific manner, or
(3) that the member be expelled. If making
amends is recommended, but the member refuses to
comply, or if expulsion is recommended, the
Grievance Committee must call a Special Meeting of
the general membership. At this Special
Meeting, the member may be expelled from ARECS by a
two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the active members
York City ARECS Officers
March 27, 2004)
Charles J. Hargrove (N2NOV) - President
John Kiernan (KE2UN) - VP Manhattan
Chris Sierra (KC2KFW) - VP Bronx
Mike Bartmon (KF2EO) - VP Staten Island
Ryan Jairam (AB2MH) - VP Queens
Alan W. Dove (N3IMU) - Secretary |
for term 1/1/2005-12/31/2005):
Charles J. Hargrove (N2NOV) - President
John Kiernan (KE2UN) - VP Manhattan
Chris Sierra (KC2KFW) - VP Bronx
Charles J. Hargrove (N2NOV) - VP Staten Island
Alan W. Dove (N3IMU) - Secretary |
for term 1/1/2006-12/31/2006):
Charles J. Hargrove (N2NOV) - President
John Kiernan (KE2UN) - VP Manhattan
Chris Sierra (KC2KFW) - VP Bronx
Charles J. Hargrove (N2NOV) - VP Staten Island
Frank Katalenas (N2UMC) - Secretary |
for term 1/1/2007-12/31/2007):
Charles J. Hargrove (N2NOV) - President
John Kiernan (KE2UN) - VP Manhattan
Chris Sierra (KC2KFW) - VP Bronx
Charles J. Hargrove (N2NOV) - VP Staten Island
Stephen Kaufman (KC2OSA) - Secretary |
for term 1/1/2008-12/31/2008):
Charles J. Hargrove (N2NOV) - President
John Kiernan (KE2UN) - VP Manhattan
Chris Sierra (KC2KFW) - VP Bronx
Frank Zodda (KC2QKS) - VP Brooklyn
Charles J. Hargrove (N2NOV) - VP Staten Island
Stephen Kaufman (KC2OSA) - Secretary |
for term 1/1/2009-12/31/2009):
Charles J. Hargrove (N2NOV) - President
John Kiernan (KE2UN) - VP Manhattan
Chris Sierra (KC2KFW) - VP Bronx
Frank Zodda (KC2QKS) - VP Brooklyn
Charles J. Hargrove (N2NOV) - VP Staten Island
Stephen Kaufman (KC2OSA) - Secretary |
for term 1/1/2010-12/31/2010):
Charles J. Hargrove (N2NOV) - President
John Kiernan (KE2UN) - VP Manhattan
Frank Zodda (KC2QKS) - VP Brooklyn
Charles J. Hargrove (N2NOV) - VP Staten Island
Stephen Kaufman (KC2OSA) - Secretary |
for term 1/1/2011-12/31/2011):
Charles J. Hargrove (N2NOV) - President
John Kiernan (KE2UN) - VP Manhattan
Frank Zodda (KC2QKS) - VP Brooklyn
Charles J. Hargrove (N2NOV) - VP Staten Island
Stephen Kaufman (KC2OSA) - Secretary |
(elected for
term 1/1/2012-12/31/2012):
Charles J. Hargrove (N2NOV) - President
John Kiernan (KE2UN) - VP Manhattan
Frank Zodda (KC2QKS) - VP Brooklyn
Charles J. Hargrove (N2NOV) - VP Staten Island
Stephen Kaufman (KC2OSA) - Secretary |
for term 1/1/2013-12/31/2013):
Charles J. Hargrove (N2NOV) - President
John Kiernan (KE2UN) - VP Manhattan
Frank Zodda (KC2QKS) - VP Brooklyn
Charles J. Hargrove (N2NOV) - VP Staten Island
Dylan Thompson (KC2ZYG) - Secretary |
(elected for
term 1/1/2014-12/31/2014):
Charles J. Hargrove (N2NOV) - President
John Kiernan (KE2UN) - VP Manhattan
Frank Zodda (KC2QKS) - VP Brooklyn
Charles J. Hargrove (N2NOV) - VP Staten Island
Dylan Thompson (KC2ZYG) - Secretary |
for term 1/1/2015-12/31/2015):
Charles J. Hargrove (N2NOV) - President
John Kiernan (KE2UN) - VP Manhattan
Frank Zodda (KC2QKS) - VP Brooklyn
Charles J. Hargrove (N2NOV) - VP Staten Island |
(elected for
term 1/1/2016-12/31/2016):
Charles J. Hargrove (N2NOV) - President
John Kiernan (KE2UN) - VP Manhattan
Frank Zodda (KC2QKS) - VP Brooklyn
Charles J. Hargrove (N2NOV) - VP Staten Island |
(elected for
term 1/1/2017-12/31/2018):
Charles J. Hargrove (N2NOV) - President
John Kiernan (KE2UN) - VP Manhattan
Frank Zodda (KC2QKS) - VP Brooklyn
Charles J. Hargrove (N2NOV) - VP Staten Island |
(elected for
term 1/1/2019-12/31/2020):
Charles J. Hargrove (N2NOV) - President
John Kiernan (KE2UN) - VP Manhattan
Frank Zodda (KC2QKS) - VP Brooklyn
Charles J. Hargrove (N2NOV) - VP Staten Island |
the undersigned, hereby affix our signatures to this
document for the purposes of ratifying the
Constitution and By-Laws of the New York City Amateur
Radio Emergency Communications Service, also known as
ARECS. We also acknowledge that we become the
charter members of said organization and pledge to
work together for the furthering of our shared goals,
of providing timely emergency communications services
for served agencies and charitable groups, for the
comfort and aid of the citizenry.
