York City Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Service (NYC-ARECS)
Introduces NYC Children to the Art and Science of Amateur Radio
of contact:

NEW YORK, NY (February 24, 2012) On Tuesday February 21,
2012, the New York City Amateur Radio Emergency Communications
Service (NYC-ARECS), visited the tranquil Inwood Hill Park
Nature Center at Manhattan's most northern tip. There, in
proximity to New York City's last remaining ancient forest, John
Kiernan, a long-time member of NYC-ARECS, spoke with visiting
children about the art and science of amateur 'ham' radio technology.
an introduction, John demonstrated modern radio equipment to the
children. He then proceeded to show them, how through radios and
antennas (with no Internet or phone wires), he could speak with
other amateur radio operators, making contacts in both Georgia
and Arizona. A few of the children had an opportunity to interact
"hands on" with the radios--one child making contact
with a radio operator in Alabama. "One of the children's
uncle is a 'ham' so he understood about amateur radio, but most
of the children had never heard about it," John said. "Everyone
was impressed, they were interested and they all enjoyed the show."
children learn about the Internet and other wired means of communications
from an early age, but what they aren't exposed to is radio, the
still extant and still viable mode of modern communications. And
today's ham radio is not your father's ham radio. Today,
ham radio operators can work in digital mode, can send voice,
text. photos and data messages from radio to radio, and can use
radios to talk through satellites. This technology can be used
as a hobby, but is also used as a service in times of emergency
and disasters.
of NYC-ARECS are dedicated to providing auxiliary radio communications
for New York City in the event of a technological, natural or
terrorist disaster. Team members are licensed by the U.S. Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) and may participate in the
Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES), a protocol
created by the FCC and is administered by the U.S. Department
of Homeland Security / Federal Emergency Management Agency.
was invited to return in the Spring and is looking forward to
the opportunity of sharing the art, science and hobby of amateur
radio with more children. To learn more about the New York
City Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Service, or if
you are interested in learning about joining the team, please
Kiernan (KE2UN) is vice-president of the New York City Amateur
Radio Emergency Communications Service (NYC-ARECS). From 1990-2004,
he was the NYC Emergency Coordinator for ARRL/ARES. John is a
retired Operating Engineer Supervisor from the U.S. Postal Service
and has been a licensed amateur radio operator since 1989. He
serves as a member of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary.