to Continue to Enhance Support for Their Community, NYC-ARECS
Participates in the NYC Citizen Corps Volunteers Creating Change
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NEW YORK, NY (May 2, 2012) Desiring to continue to enhance
support for their community, leaders of the New York City Amateur
Radio Emergency Communications Service (NYC-ARECS) participated
in the Volunteers Creating Change, the NYC Citizen Corps
Council's sixth annual Disaster Volunteer Conference which took
place on May 1, 2012 at Pace University in New York City.
In celebration
of the impact New York City's volunteers make, Volunteers Creating
Change, discussed how change originates with an idea, and
how these ideas often have a tremendous impact before, during,
and after an emergency on individuals, families, organizations,
and communities.
speakers included: The Hon. Joseph F. Bruno, Commissioner of the
New York City Office of Emergency Management; Keynote Address
by Jeff Parness, Founder and Executive Director of New
York Says Thank You Foundation; Gary Bagley, Executive
Director of New York Cares; Sara Farmer, Digital Humanitarian;
and Pamela Kellner, RN, MPH, Coordinator of Infection Control
for the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. The panel
discussion was moderated by Herman Schaffer, MSW, Director of
Community Outreach for the NYC OEM.
of NYC-ARECS have donated many decades of volunteering to their
communities across New York City. They follow in the spirit of
what Mayor Michael Bloomberg said, "New York has always been
fortunate to be home to everyday people who want to pitch in and
helpand we need as much help now as ever before." The
over-arching mission of NYC-ARECS is to provide professional,
timely, quality, and proficient auxiliary radio communications
to both government and other organizations which support their
communities across the five boroughs.
The conference
was a collaborative project of the NYC Citizen Corps Council,
supported by staff from American Red Cross Greater New York, American
Red Cross New York State, Disaster Chaplaincy Service, New York
Cares, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, NYC Office
of Emergency Management, The Salvation Army Greater New York Division,
and World Cares Center.
interested in learning more about how NYC-ARECS can help their
community or organization, or persons interested in volunteering,
should write to: