York City ARECS Members and the
Attacks of September 11, 2001
Members of
NYC-ARECS were activated during the 9/11 attack. At the time,
Charles Hargrove (N2NOV), the NYC-ARECS
co-founder and current President, was the New York City ARRL District
Emergency Coordinator and Citywide RACES Radio Officer on 9/11.
Over 500 amateur radio operators helped provide assistance during
the emergency.
Within hours,
New York City District Emergency Coordinator Charles Hargrove,
N2NOV, said that RACES members would be used in the search-and-rescue
efforts at the World Trade Center site in lower Manhattan and
elsewhere. Plans
called for hams to be on duty 24 hours a day. Not only were cell
sites, police and fire communications, and most television antennas
lost when the World Trade Center collapsed, the New York City
Office of Emergency Management bunker was lost when 7 World
Trade Center collapsed later in the day (it had already been
evacuated). Besides emergency traffic, amateurs shadowed some
New York City officials and medical officials, handled medical
traffic, and assisted the American Red Cross and the Salvation
Army. (Read more:
Remembering 911) 
- BBC Radio
program "Unsung Heros" about the NYC Amateur Radio Operators
on 9/11 (Open)
with Charles Hargrove, President of NYC-ARECS
- "Embedded
Technicians: A New Approach to Emergency Communications"

by Alan Dove N3IMU, Member of
- State
of New York Legislative Resolution recognizing hams that worked
in NY on 9/11 (Open)
- "After
nearly 2 weeks, the Amateur Radio volunteer effort in New York
City is winding down" (Open)
- Listen
to the Fire Department dispatch from the attacks of 9/11 - a very
powerful and sad broadcast

Bloomberg Radio 1130 AM New York City talks with Charles
Hargrove (N2NOV) who was the New York City Office of Emergency
Management (OEM) RACES Officer and who coordinated
the hundreds of amateur radio operators who assist with

NYC Fox 5 news clip on amateur radio operations relating
to the attacks of September 11, 2011 in New York City. Charles
Hargrove, N2NOV (shown in the video), was the NYC RACES
Officer and City-Wide Incident Commander for Amateur Radio.

'RACES' desk WC2OEM in the NYC Office of Emergency Management
inside the World Trade Center on the 23rd floor - destroyed
on 9/11. Equipment
consisted of Kenwood TM251, Kenwood TM742, Yaesu FT900CAT,
Icom R70 Receiver, and a PK232 TNC. Antennas were 27 stories
further up. This was the pride and nerve center of NYC RACES
from February 1, 1999 until September 11, 2001.
Rudolph Giuliani recognizing NYC RACES on September 19, 1997.
Charles Hargrove (Current NYC-ARECS President is on the right)
first Director of OEM, Jerry Hauer (center), holds Mayoral
Proclamation. (Current NYC-ARECS President is on the right)
Hargrove points out the contribution ARES, RACES, and volunteer
hams from around the tri-state area, and elsewhere, provided
during the "9/11 Attacks".
of New York Legislative Resolution recognizing hams that worked
in NY on 9/11
city's vast and complex communications system, is indebted to
the many trained amateur radio volunteers,
who are efficient and dependable and lend a much needed hand in
times of crisis or disaster.
They are an invaluable part of our cities communication network."
Mayor Rudolph Giuliani September 20, 1997
are many more articles on 9/11 on our News page here
